Managing Birthdays

It is your own choice if you wish to see other peoples birthdays or not, and weather you wish to share your own birthday in Ziik. Here is how it works..

How to set your own birthday

Birthdays can be set in connection with automatic import of users or alternativelu by yourself.

Decide which birtdays you want to see and if other people should see you birthday

You are free to decide if your want to share your own birthday or not. This is a personal choice. The default setting is “Do not show my Birthday to others”. 

You can also decide if you wish to see birthdays for other users in your own unit only or in the intire organisation. The default setting is that no birthdays for other users are shown. Here are the options:

 The default setting is that no birthdays for other users will be shown. Here are the options:

  • None -  No birthdays will be shown
  • Unit - Only birthdays for users in own unit will be shown
  • All - Birthdays for the entire organisation will be shown

Birthdays on Desktop

Birthdays will be shown in the main feed in the right and column.

Birthdays will equally be listed in the events list.