
Introducing a dedicated chat platform tailored for work, enabling you to easily separate your professional and personal life while staying connected.

Topics in this article

Chat designed for work

Starting  a new chat

Find users by their unit and role

Accessing the chat settings and shared files

Manage chat members

Name your chat

Easily find shared files

Push notifications


Chat designed for work

Ziik offers a powerful chat feature that enables seamless communication with individuals or teams within your organization. It provides a user-friendly platform to effortlessly connect and collaborate with colleagues, making it easier to share ideas, discuss projects, and stay connected.


Starting a new chat

To begin a new chat, simply navigate to the top bar and click on the "+" button.


Choose the individuals you wish to include in your chat and press "Create"

Send your first message and get the conversation going.


Find users by their unit and role

The filter allows you to find users based on the unit and role they belong to.

Click the filters in the top, or swipe left and right to access the unit and role filters.

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Accessing the chat settings and shared files

Click on the menu option located at the top of your chat to access the chat settings and shared files.

Now, you will be able to access and explore the various options that are available in your chat.


Manage chat members

Under members, admins can manage users and admins. Admins can also add and delete members, rename the conversation, and delete the conversation.


Name your chat

Customize the name of your group chats to make them easily identifiable and recognizable.


Easily find shared files

It's now easy to find files, images and videos that you have shared in your chat conversations.



Push notifications

Enable push notifications for your chat to receive instant alerts whenever you receive a new message. Stay informed and never miss an important conversation again.

Mute notifications from specific conversations

You can turn push notifications off for individual conversations. Click the three dots in the top right corner in the conversation window, and click "mute". Unmute to turn notifications back on.




Ziik values the privacy of your organization and you as a user. Your chat conversations are kept private and can only be seen by the members in your chat. In other words, users or system admins within your organization cannot access or view your private chat conversations.