Feed (Home)

The home tab serves as your central feed, displaying all posts shared within your organization and groups.


The Feed serves as a valuable hub for staying up-to-date with company updates and information. It displays posts and events shared within your organization or groups, offering a centralized view of activities within your organization.


Where you find the create post widget

Users with permission to share posts with the organisation can create posts directly from the feed and decide where to share their posts. Users without permission to share posts with the organisation can create posts in their groups.


Highlighted posts 

Highlighted posts will be displayed in the feed and are also stored in a dedicated list for easy access. These posts are distinguished by a blue label and may include content marked as "Highlighted" or posts that need your "Read confirmation" or "Participation".

Bookmarked posts 

Locate posts that you have bookmarked with ease.

Upcoming activities

Upcoming Activities are shown on the right-hand side, which consists of upcoming events, own shifts and birthdays.

Upcoming birthdays

Upcoming birthdays will appear in the right-hand side of the feed 3 days before and dissapear again once the birthday date has passed. Users decide if if they wish to see birthdays in their feed and whether they wish that their own birtsday is shown. 

Easily locate posts

Easily locate posts that are specifically shared within your organization, view scheduled posts, and access your drafts with just a few clicks.