
Organise communication, manage projects and follow up on activities in real-time with groups. Groups ensure focus and specialization in a familiar and effective format.


Topics in this article

Creating a Group

Adding members to a Group

How to Edit, Leave and Delete a Group

Removing Members from a Group

Where to find shared files 

Drafts and scheduled posts

Private and Open Groups

How to promote / demote admins

Exporting group statistics

The group feed

Latest activity / Latest created

Table - Who can see what


Creating a group

Users with permission can create groups. Remember that permissions are determined by the User type(s) assigned to the Users.

Go to "Create Groups" in groups

Start with the basic information

  1. Name: Give your group a name
  2. Private:  Private groups are only visible for its members and cannot be seen in the group list if you are not a member of the group. If the group is not private it can bee seen by all users and all users can decide weather they want to join the group or not.
  3. Description: You can make a short description to explain the purpose of the group.
  4. Image: You can add a group image and we recommend you to do so. The group will be easily recognisable.

When you create the group you will automatically become group administrator

Adding members to a Group

When you create groups you have two ways to add members:

  1. Adding members manually: You will do that once the group has been created and ad hoc when you want to add other new members or remove existing members 
  2. Adding members automatically: Add members based on Units and User types and the system will add and remove group member accordingly automatically.

You can always add members manually to a group. However if manually adder members  are covered by an automatic setting of Units and User types, the automatic management will prevail.

Adding members manually

Go to the Group menu and select "Members"

Go to Add member, search for the User you want to add and press the "+" to add the member

Removing members from a Group

Need to remove members from a group? Only Group Admin(s) can remove Members from "Private" groups. The first thing you want to do is to check if members are added manually or through Automatic Membership. Here is how you do that:

Checking if members are added by Automatic Membership

Remember that Automatic Membership in groups adds and removes members based on their user type(s) and their Unit(s).

  1. Go to the Group Settings:  Click edit to enter group settings 

  2. Check if Members are added by Unit and User type: You will see from the selection if members are added automatically to the group. If the selection is empty members are not added through automatic memberships to the group.


Removing members from a Group with Automatic Group Membership

Members added by Automatic Membership can only be removed by removing their User type or Unit from the Automatic Membership setting. But keep in mind that you will remove all Members with the same User type and Unit when you do that.

Now simply remove the Unit(S) and User Type(s) where you do not wish the Automatic Group membership to apply.

usertype selector

Checking if members can be removed directly from the Members list

Go the the members list and check the options available by clicking on the three dots.

  1. If the option to "Remove" is not available user has been added by Automatic Membership through User Type and Unit. In this case you will need to remove the User's Usertype or Unit to remove Users from the group. 

  2. If the option to "Remove" the member is available the users has been added manually. 


Removing members directly from the Members list

If the group members have been added manually you can remove them manually. Simply remove the user one by one.


How to Edit, Leave and Delete a Group

Only admins can edit and delete the group. 

Edit: If you wish to change the name or some other setting in the group, press "Edit" in the drop-down menu.

Delete: If you wish to delete the group press delete in the drop-down menu. Please note that there is no return if you do so.

Leave group: Press "Leave group" in the drop-down menu if you wish to leave the group.

Please note that you can not leave a group if you are a part of the automatic user management setting. If you are the sole admin of the group, you will need to promote another admin before you can leave the group.



Where to find shared files 

It is easy to find documents, images or video that have been shared in your groups direct from the drop-down menu.




Images and video:



Drafts and scheduled posts

Group admins and members can find drafts and scheduled posts by clicking on the drop-down menu.


  • Drafts - Admins can find all drafts made by admins here. Users can find their own drafts here.
  • Scheduled - Admins can find all posts scheduled by admins here. Users can find their own scheduled posts here.


Private and Open Groups

  • Available Groups (Open): Available groups are open groups that everybody in your organisation can join and leave again if they like. With other words this is the users own choice weather they want to be member of the group or not. Available groups are found under the tab "Available groups".
  • Private groups: Private groups are only visible for members of that group. You can only join private groups if you have been invited to the group or if you have started the group yourself.



How to promote / demote admins

You need to be admin to promote er demote admins and members. 

If you want to leave a group where you are the sole admin you will need to promote another member to admin first.



Exporting group statistics

As a site administrator you can export group statistics to get an overview of all your groups and their activity. You can equally see who is site admins in the different groups.


The group feed

Groups behave the same way as the global feed but only with that groups content.


Feed - This is the group feed showing all posts, comments and replies.

Events - Listing all upcoming events in a group.

Highlighted - Listing all posts that have been highlighted in a group. Only group admins can create posts with the status highlighted.


Latest activity / Latest created


There are currently two ways to filter the content in the group:

  • Latest Activity: This filtering will always put the debate of a group which had the latest activity at the top of the group. Activity includes:
    • Comments & Creation of a debate

  • Latest Created Post: This filtering setting will always put the latest created post at the top, no matter the comment activity on different posts. This way, you can always make sure that you've read the latest posts without being disturbed by comments on topics that doesn't concern you.

Table - Who can see what
