Supplier Contact List

This article explains how you the module Suppliers works for both the user and the admin.

General Information

  • To create a supplier your User Type must have the permissions to do so.
  • A Supplier can help to empower your employees and local managers, by for example allowing them to make calls or contact suppliers.

How to Create a Supplier

  1. Head into the feature Contacts, and click "Suppliers" in the top bar.
  2. In your top right corner you have the option to "+ Create supplier". Click it.
  3. Fill in the name and who to share the supplier with.
    1. Units (Restaurants, offices, countries, etc.)
      1. When you are creating a Supplier you can decide who should be able to access it. Initially, you can decide if the Supplier should be visible to all units. If you want to share it with specific units you simply untick the "Include subunits" option and thereafter choose which units you want to share the news with.
    2. User Types (Store Manager, Waiter, Marketing, etc.) 
      1. Now its time to choose the user types or roles that you want the supplier to be visible to. To do this you simply click the "Select user types" and a drop down menu appears. If you want all roles within this unit(s) to see it, simply click "select all" in the box.
  4. Click Save.
  5. It is now time to complete the set-up by editing the supplier. (see below)

How to Edit a Supplier

  1. Find the supplier you would like to edit and click it to enter the profile.
  2. From here, head up to the top bar and locate the "..." on the right side. Click it
  3. You are able to edit 4 different sections of the supplier:
    1. Edit Supplier
      1. Here you are able to add and edit a profile picture, general information, payment terms and agreements.
    2. Address
      1. As simple as it sounds, add or edit anything about the suppliers address, as well as phone number and e-mail.
    3. Contact
      1. Here you are able to add a point of contact, so that you are always able to reach the correct person from the supplier.
      1. Any attachment relevant to the supplier can be attached here.
  4. Once you are done, "Save" the information and your Supplier is ready to be used.

How to Delete a Supplier

  1. Find the supplier you would like to edit and click it to enter the profile.
  2. From here, head up to the top bar and locate the "..." on the right side. Click "Delete supplier".
    1. Remember, once deleted, Ziik cannot restore it to your site so make sure that you want to delete the supplier. 

What's Next?

The right to manage your organisation's suppliers is controlled through the user types. To learn more about how to set up and manage user types you can read this article from our set-up section How to manage User Types and Permissions.

Feel free to read about how Contacts works on a mobile device by reading this article How does Contacts work (Mobile).