Notification Center

The notification center provides you with a convenient and organized summary of the activities associated with posts, comments, and mentions.

Topics in this article

How notifications work in Ziik

Stay on top with notifications

How to clean-up your Notification Center

Marking single notifications as read/unread 

The difference between notifications and push notifications

How notifications work in Ziik

Your notifications are organized in chronological order based on the time they were published. This includes notifications for your posts, events, comments, and mentions. In other words, you will see your notifications listed according to when they were published. If there are new comments, they will be consolidated into a single notification.

Navigate to the bottom menu to view your notifications.


Stay on top with notifications

Inside the Notification Center, you'll find various tabs that are there to assist you in staying organized and ensuring you never overlook anything important.


  • All - Within this tab, you will find all of your notifications organized in chronological order.
  • Unread - In this tab you find all your unread notifications
  • Awaiting reply - Certain posts may require you to confirm that you have read them, or for events, you might need to confirm your participation. You can easily locate these specific posts in the "Awaiting reply" tab.
  • Mentions - You can easily locate posts or comments where other users have tagged you, ensuring you don't miss any important notifications.

Need to clean up your notification Center?

If you want to quickly mark all your notifications as read, you have the option to use the "Mark all as Read" feature by simply tapping on the menu tab.

Notifications that require a response cannot be marked as read until you have replied. You can handle these notifications by accessing the "Awaiting reply" tab afterwards.




Marking single notifications as read/unread

You can easily swipe left or right on the notification to choose whether to mark it as read or unread.



👆The difference between notifications and push notifications 

Here is what you need to know about notifications and push-notifications.


All your notifications are neatly organized in the notification center in chronological order, acting as your go-to source for information. You can effortlessly see posts shared with you, comments, or mentions made by others in one convenient location, ensuring you stay informed about all relevant activities.


Notifications and push notifications serve different purposes. Notifications are neatly organized in the notification center, acting as a reliable source of information about posts, comments, and mentions. On the other hand, push notifications are direct messages that pop up on your device, allowing you to access specific content with a click.

In the "My Account" section, you can customize the type of content you receive push notifications for.