Personal Documents

Ensure that personal staff documents are valid, up-to date, and instantly accessible to managers and their employees.

Avoid expired and non-valid documents

You can be certain your staff have access to their licenses, certifications and other important documents, easily spot documents that need renewal and minimising the risks and costs that missing or expired documents may result in.

You may find the feature useful for:

- Licenses

- Certifications

- Work permits

- Contracts

- Staff IDs


The module in a nutshell

  • Users given permission to manage Personal Documents can create "Document Types" on selected roles in their own unit and sub units. A Document Type is assigned a name - for example "Drivers License".
  • Managers can submit this document for the selected users or request the users to upload this document themselves.
  • The act of uploading a Personal document - such as a drivers license - is done through a Submission, which includes the document and an optional expiry date of it.
  • Individual users have instant access to their own personal documents in "My Documents"
  • Managers can quickly identify any missing or expired documents directly from the Admin View.

Activate the module

You can activate the module Personal Documents as a site admin.

Click the cogwheel in the top right corner of the web application followed by "modules" -  then activate it.

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Give permission

Once the module is activated, the permission "Can manage Personal Documents" can be assigned selected roles.

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Now that you have activated the module and assigned the permission to the roles you want, let's get down to the specifics of the feature.

Create a Document Type

Users with the permission "Can manage Personal Documents" can access the admin view from the left hand menu on the desktop app.

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To create a new Document Type, click "Create Document Type"

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On the screen that appears you will be given a few options, let's cover these one by one:

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  1.  Name
    Give the Document Type a name - for example "First Aid Certificate" or "Drivers license".
  2. Description:
    The description field can be used to explain the specifics of the Document Type and what users are expected to submit.
  3. Request document from users: 
    Users in your unit with the permission "Can manage personal documents" can by default upload personal documents on behalf of the selected users. If you as employer are issuing a document, uncheck this box and upload the personal documents yourself.

    Requesting a document from users (for example a drivers license) will:
    -     Send a notification to the selected users requesting to submit this document
    -     Allow them to submit updated versions of this document in the future
  4. Review user submissions:
    If you choose to request this document from users you can decide to review the submissions made by them. This way you can be sure that the submitted documents are valid and up to date. When a user submits a document, users in your unit with the permission "Can manage personal documents" can see that there is a submission to review, accept or reject it, and choose to set an expiry date. 
  5. User selection:
    Choose which users this Document Type should be created on, using units and roles.

Advanced Options

(only relevant if you create the document type on users in sub units)

To illustrate what the advanced settings are used for let's take an example. In the graphic below you can see a unit structure where Central Administration is the top unit, North Region is below that, and under the North Region there are two freight terminals. I belong to "Central Administration", and choose to request drivers licenses from drivers in both freight terminals.

By default, only those users with the permission "Can manage personal documents" who are located in my own unit (Central Administration) can see all the drivers licenses submitted. (The drivers can access their own drivers license and other personal documents under My Documents)

The setting "Managers can see documents in their own unit" allows users with the permission "Can manage personal documents" to view personal documents linked to this document type belonging to users in their own unit. In the example used, if there are users in the Freight Terminals with permission to manage personal documents, enabling this option would give them access to the drivers licenses of drivers in their own terminal.

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Using the same example as above, the option "Managers can see documents in their own unit and sub units", would allow users with the permission "Can manage personal documents" located in the "North Region" to view the drivers licenses of drivers in both terminals.

To summarise, these settings allow you to give local managers permission to view documents of this type belonging to users in their own unit or area.

Submit personal documents

You have created a Document Type, given it a name and a description, defined what users the document is relevant for, and chosen whether you or the users are responsible for submitting it. 

Now it is time to submit this document.

If you requested the document from users

They will have received a push notification and a request in their notification center.

When they click it, they will be guided through the process of submitting the document.





If you did not request the users to submit document

It is up to you or someone else in your unit with permission to manage personal documents to upload the documents for the users selected.

Go to the "Personal Documents" module in the left hand menu on the web app, and click

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Find the document type you want to upload documents to.

(The unit below shows from where the document type was created. Users in this unit with permission to manage personal documents can upload documents on users behalf)

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Click the three dots on a user, and "Create submission"

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Attach a file, and optionally set an expiry date. Comments are visible to the user and managers.

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After submitting the document, it will be available in the Admin Overview and for the individual user under My Documents


My Documents

Users with personal documents either submitted by themselves or their managers, will see these in "My Documents" on both the web app and the mobile app.


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Admin Overview


When you enter the module from the left hand menu on the web app, you see an overview of all users with documents that you have permission to view.

Unfold the view on a user to see submission status on these documents.

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Missing submission

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A submission that requires approval has been made. Click to view the submission and reject or accept it. The user will be notified about your decision, and if rejected, asked to make a new submission.


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A submission has been made, and if required - approved.

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A document submitted has expired.


Use the filters in the top of the overview to see if there are submissions to approve or renew.

If all documents on a user are approved and non-expired, the user will be shown under "Complete". 

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Document Types

To the right of the "Users" tab, you find the "Document Types" tab.

Here you have an overview of all records that you have permission to view.

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You will see Document Types that:

  • You or another user from your own unit has created. These you can edit.
  • A user from a parent unit has created and given you permission to view. These you can not edit.

Click a document type to view details, users it is created on, and submissions made to it. If the document type was created from your unit, you can edit/delete the record and make submissions on users here.

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Users will be notified:

  • When they are requested to submit a document
  • When their submission was accepted
  • When their submission was rejected