Changing User Permissions

When people change position or role you may need to review and update their permissions. Here is how to do.


Topics in this article

Permission required to change other users' permissions

Unit membership

Changing user permissions

Managing permissions for users who work in different locations


Permission required to change other users' permissions

  • Only Users with Can edit users permission can update other users permissions.

  • Please note that Users with the Can edit users permission can change permissions for other users in their own unit and it's sub-units. 



Unit membership

A Unit membership defines the Users permissions in Ziik and consists of the Unit where you have located a User inside your organisation and that User's Role(s) in that Unit. 

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 10.31.29


Changing user permissions

Open the user menu in the People list and select Unit memberships 


or open the Unit Membership menu and select Edit if you want to update permissions or Delete a set of permisions (when user have several Unit memberships). 



Now update Unit and/or Role(s)

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 10.31.29



Managing permissions for users who work in different locations

Sometimes you may have users who work in different locations inside your organisation. Ziik is built to manage these use cases. Remember that we refer to that as working in different Units in Ziik. Please also note that if a User belong to more Units they can have a unique set of permissions (Roles) in each unit. 



Example of multiple Unit memberships - A user can be manager in your Head Office with permissions to share information with the entire organisation. The same user can be Manager Supervisor in your regional office. Ziik is completely flexible in this way.


To add another Unit membership on a user simply press Add membership
