
Shifts, working time, shift swapping and vacations on the app.

Which tools you have access to in the schedule is set up by a platform admin. For an overview of the role permissions related to the Schedule module and how to use the Schedule on desktop, click here.


In this article we will have a look at how you can use the app to:

  • Schedule shifts
  • Correct working hours
  • Swap shifts
  • Request vacation

Schedule overview


  • Slide the date bar to scroll between weeks
  • Switch between viewing all shifts, your own shifts or available shifts.
  • Click the plus to schedule a shift or vacation
  • Click the button left to the plus to view requests for shift swaps and vacations


Schedule shifts

  • Click the "+" button in the top right corner
  • Depending on your permissions, you may choose between creating a shift or a vacation
  • Click "Create shift"

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 14.39.27

  • Select in what unit and for what user you wish to schedule a shift
    • To create a non-assigned "Available" shift, leave the user field empty
    • If you have the permission "Can manage own shifts" but not "Can manage all shifts", your own name will be locked in
  • Set date and time 
  • Comments can be viewed by all users, Notes can only be seen by planners i.e. users with the permission "Can manage all shifts"
  • Click Save


Correct working hours

The feature “Corrected working hours” allows users to register deviations to the hours scheduled in shifts.

  • Users with the permission “Can manage all corrected hours” can register corrections to shifts scheduled for users in their own unit and sub-units. This permission enables managers to register that an employee worked more or less than the scheduled time.
  • Users with the permission “Can manage own corrected hours” can register corrections to their own shifts. This permission enables employees themselves to register that they worked more or less than the scheduled time.


  • Begin by clicking the shift you wish to correct hours for


  • Press Correct working hours


  • Set the corrected time


  • In the overview you can see both the scheduled time and the corrected time,



Shift Swapping

Shift swapping is managed through a number of permissions.

You may be allowed to:

  • Make your own shifts available to colleagues
  • Apply for open and available shifts
  • Take available shifts without approval
  • Approve shift swaps

Let's cover these one by one.

How do I make my shifts available to colleagues?

  1. Click the shift you want to open for swapping

  2. Click "Make available to colleagues"

  3. Your shift will be marked yellow, and users with permission to can now apply for or take your shift


How do I apply for or take available shifts?

Shifts that are non-assigned will appear as green and shifts that colleagues have opened for swapping will be yellow in the overview. You can navigate to "Available" in the bottom menu to see all shifts that are either available or open for swapping.


If you have permission to apply for available shifts:

  1. Click an available shift
  2. Click apply
    Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 11.37

3. A manager will be able to view all applicants and either assign the shift to one of them or deny the shift swap


If you have permission to take available shifts without approval:

  1. Click an available shift
  2. Click take
  3. The shift is yours


How do I approve shift swaps?

If you have the permission "Can approve shift swaps", you will receive a push notification when a user has applied for a shift. You can find an overview of all the requests by clicking the button highlighted below.


Shifts with applicants will be viewed


Click a shift to view shift details and the applicants 


Assign the shift to one of the applicants by clicking the check mark, or reject them by clicking the X



Vacation management

Request a vacation

See Vacation management to view the permissions related to vacations.

To schedule or request a vacation: 

Click the plus in the schedule overview


Depending on your permissions, click request or create vacation


Define the time, add a note if you wish, and click save


Users in your unit, with permission to approve vacations, will be notified


Accept / Reject vacation requests

If you have the permission "Can approve vacation requests", you will receive a push notification when a user in your unit requests a vacation.

To view any vacation requests, open up the schedule and click the button highlighted below.


The vacation requests are sorted by month, so you may need to change month to find the request.


Click the request to see the details.


Choose to accept or reject the request.